What means this Log Message - "moveChunk.error"

I checked this log message while looking at the log message.

2021-12-09T15:51:15.445+0900 I SHARDING [conn2534100] about to log metadata event into changelog: { _id: “Hostname-2021-12-09T15:51:15.445+0900-61b1a763a91d86aa105d0134”, server: “Hostname”, clientAddr: “IP:56715”, time: new Data(1639032675445), what: “moveChunk.error”, ns: “Namespace”, details: { min: { field: 0 }, max: { field: 553426005117288281 }, from: “ShardReplSet_2”, to: “ShardReplSet_0” } }

Although it is “I”, I want to know the meaning of the log message.
This log message came from the primary of shards in sharded cluster.