Unable to connect to the cluster after upgrading to M10

I had a M5 tier nd updated to M10.
Unfortunately after that my python script stopped working with error:

raise ServerSelectionTimeoutError(
pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: mycluster0-shard-00-02.oolon.mongodb.net:27017:
and a few lines more (see log attached)

I cannot put more lines as there is a limitation for new users :slight_smile: in links pasted here.

I have checked and there is one Primary and two Secondary nodes.
What can be the root case and how to fix it?
Any help will be appreciated…


Hi @psmith,

Welcome to the community :wave:

raise ServerSelectionTimeoutError(
pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: mycluster0-shard-00-02.oolon.mongodb.net:27017:
and a few lines more (see log attached)

Can you share the connection string you’re currently using (please redact any credentials or sensitive information before sharing here) and also the output of the following command:

ping mycluster0-shard-00-02.oolon.mongodb.net

Based off my testing, the hostname appears to be invalid:

$ ping mycluster0-shard-00-02.oolon.mongodb.net
ping: cannot resolve mycluster0-shard-00-02.oolon.mongodb.net: Unknown host

In saying so, I would try to verify the connection string matches up what is provided in the connect window modal in Atlas.

Best Regards,