How to get a single array with objects from the aggregation pipeline?

Hello everyone!
I have two collections:

I have Projects collection like this:

name: "string",

And “Points” collection like this:

_id: "string",
projectId: "string"
meta: "Object"
globalCoordinates: "Object"
localCoordinates: "Object"

All I need is to get an array with coordinate objects in this form:

  { easting: .. , northing: ... },
  { easting: .. , northing: ... }

At the moment, I got such a pipeline, but it returns an array with object:

[{ points: [ 
  { easting: .. , northing: ... },
  { easting: .. , northing: ... }]
    '$match': {
      '_id': 'c73e7ed5-d9d9-4554-ac1c-f8ccf6da49cd'
  }, {
    '$lookup': {
      'from': 'SurveyPoint', 
      'localField': '_id', 
      'foreignField': 'projectId', 
      'as': 'points'
  }, {
    '$project': {
      'points': {
        '$filter': {
          'input': '$points', 
          'as': 'point', 
          'cond': '$$point.globalCoordinates'
      '_id': 0
  }, {
    '$project': {
      'points': {
        '$map': {
          'input': '$points', 
          'as': 'point', 
          'in': {
            'easting': {
              '$round': [
                '$$point.globalCoordinates.easting', 6
            'northing': {
              '$round': [
                '$$point.globalCoordinates.northing', 6