JUNE 7-9, 2022

Speak at MongoDB World

MongoDB World is where the world’s fastest-growing data community comes to connect, explore, and learn. We’re looking for speakers who can inspire attendees by introducing them to new technologies, ideas, and solutions.

Call for speakers closes January 18, 2022.

Submit Your Talk
How We Built It
Highlighting use cases, challenges, database migrations, cloud migrations, and teams building amazing things with MongoDB.
Designing Data
Schemas, modeling, transactions, data visualization, and everything related to designing data. Talks will cover data modeling and how to model data from tables to documents.
Working with Data
Everything about working with data effectively: aggregations, change streams, triggers, and time series data. Talks will cover SQL/MQL comparisons and converting data from relational to non-relational.
Performance & Scaling
Strategies to scaling your data, your performance, your clusters, and your applications.
Security & Operations
Database security, encryption, compliance, and all about configuration, automation, and best practices for managing MongoDB deployments.
Web & Backend Development
Developing web apps, running backend services, using serverless resources, and connecting them all to MongoDB.
Mobile Development
App architecture, data sync, and robust data design patterns for the unique challenges and limitations of mobile platforms.
Make It Matter
Diversity & inclusion, accessible apps, mental health, and other non-technical subjects that are of interest to a technical audience.

Session format

You can choose between three different types of sessions:
Conference Session
30 minute conference sessions with examples, code, or demos. They should help the audience understand complex concepts and behaviors, or demonstrate how to use a service, software library, or tool.
Deep Dive Tutorial
75 minute tutorials provide an environment in which attendees learn by doing. Attendees should walk away knowing how to do something new. A good tutorial is one that is easy to follow but keep everyone on their toes.
Lightning Talk
If you have a short talk to share, or are a first-time speaker, and want to have the opportunity to present your story at MongoDB World, a 15 minute lightning talk is a great way to get started!

Your submission

Our reviewers have to read through a lot of of submissions. Here are some tips to make sure yours is successful:

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Title – Puns, creative wordplay, and “hooks” in titles are okay, but make sure that if all someone knew was the title, they still would have some idea what the presentation is about.

Description – Use the description to explain what the problem is. How did you solve it? Please give us tons of examples for what you’d talk about. For help developing your description check out the free MongoDB University course and learn more about writing abstracts here.

Notes – You can use the notes section to explain the details of your talk in a bit more conversational way. Share your experience with the problem, give us the outline of your talk, or explain why MongoDB World would be less without your talk.

No speaking experience? No problem!

We welcome first time speakers and encourage you to apply. We will provide speaker training and resources to help you put together a great presentation and own the stage. Here are just a few things we're offering:
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Filling 30 minutes of talk time can be scary. That's why we offer 15 minutes lightning talks for those who want to try the stage.

We're hosting workshops to bring together experienced and inexperienced speakers to talk through their outlines, slides, and presentation style.

Every speaker gets the opportunity of one or more personal sessions with a professional speaker coach. We also host pre-event calls to answer all questions you have before the event.

You will have the opportunity to "try the stage" before your talk to familiarize yourself with the setup.

Need some inspiration?

Here are some of the most popular sessions from MongoDB.live 2021:

Submit your ideas today!

Submit your talk

At MongoDB, we believe in fostering an environment where diverse perspectives can grow and thrive. We are intentional about increasing speaker diversity at our events by inviting speakers from underrepresented groups in technology. The program committee consists of 30+ MongoDB employees, partners, customers, and community members. All speaker information such as name, biography, and company name is hidden from the committee and we will grade the submissions based on the content. After call for speakers closes, we will discuss the highest voted submissions and committee member favorites for each track. From there, we will put together the event program. All speaker submissions will receive an answer from us by end of February 2022.

MongoDB World will be held in-person in New York City from June 7 - 9, 2022. All speakers at MongoDB World will receive a conference ticket for the event. You will also be required to sign a Speaker Agreement if your talk is accepted. You can view a sample agreement here. All speakers, staff, partners, and attendees of MongoDB World will be required to be fully vaccinated in order to attend the event.