
MongoDB Atlas offers built-in security controls for all your data. Enable enterprise-grade features to integrate with your existing security protocols and compliance standards.

Secure From the Start

With MongoDB Atlas, your data is protected with preconfigured security features for authentication, authorization, encryption, and more.

Network Isolation

MongoDB Atlas dedicated clusters are deployed in a unique Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with dedicated firewalls. Access must be granted by an IP access list or VPC Peering.

Role-based access management

Configure sophisticated role-based access rules to control which users and teams can access, manipulate, and delete data in your databases.

End-to-end encryption

All network traffic is encrypted using Transport layer Security (TLS), with flexibility to configure the minimum TLS protocol version. Encryption for data at rest is automated using encrypted storage volumes.

Enable automatic client-side field level encryption to encrypt sensitive data before it leaves the application and lands in the cloud.

Advanced Security Controls

Integrate your existing security practices and processes with MongoDB Atlas to provide additional control over how you secure your environment.

Encryption key management

Bring your own encryption keys for an additional layer of encryption on database fields and files, including backup snapshots.

Granular database auditing

Answer detailed questions about system activity for deployments with multiple users by tracking all commands against the database.

LDAP integration

Set up user authentication and authorization with an LDAP server to simplify access control and granular permissions management.

AWS PrivateLink

Connect to your AWS applications with AWS PrivateLink and ensure private connectivity between all your AWS services and accounts.

MongoDB Atlas Security Controls

Learn more about MongoDB Atlas’ security controls and features, including data storage, access controls, application security, and more.

Meet Data Security Standards

MongoDB Atlas has been independently audited and confirmed to meet compliance standards for data security.

Ready to get started?

Deploy a test cluster for free today

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The global cloud database, built and run by MongoDB.

MongoDB Atlas Global Clusters

Support for over 60 cloud regions worldwide.