Trust Center

Thousands of organizations — from startups to industry leaders in the Fortune 100 — entrust MongoDB Cloud Services with sensitive application and user data.

We take this responsibility seriously, and are dedicated to making every effort to protect customer data, including continually improving security processes and controls, as well as upholding transparency with regards to data usage. In addition, we are committed to delivering the highest levels of standards conformance and regulatory compliance as part of our ongoing mission to address the most demanding security and privacy requirements of our customers.


MongoDB Atlas offers enterprise-level security features so you can set up rigorous controls for who can access, manipulate, and delete data in your databases.

Network isolation and access

MongoDB Atlas users’ data and underlying systems are fully isolated from other users. Database resources are associated with a user group, which is contained in its own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Access must be granted by IP access lists, VPC peering, or private endpoints.

Encryption in flight and at rest

For MongoDB Atlas databases, all network traffic is encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS). Encryption for data at rest is automated using encrypted storage volumes. Users can bring their own encryption keys for an additional level of control.

Granular database auditing

Granular database auditing in MongoDB Atlas allows administrators to answer detailed questions about systems activity by tracking all commands against the database.

White Paper:

MongoDB Atlas Security Controls Learn more about MongoDB Atlas’ security controls and features, including data storage, access controls, application security, and more.

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MongoDB Atlas offers an industry-leading availability guarantee for all clusters used for production deployments across Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.
MongoDB server software is continuously updated as new versions are released, granting you access to the latest features and enhancements.


MongoDB Atlas undergoes independent verification of platform security, privacy, and compliance controls. Our strong and growing focus on standards conformance and compliance will help you meet your regulatory and policy objectives.
MongoDB Atlas for Government is a separate, FedRAMP Ready environment of Atlas, built to meet the demanding security and privacy needs of the US Federal Government.


We are committed to protecting the privacy of your data stored in our products and services.

Your data stored in our cloud products can be accessed by authorized MongoDB personnel only to ensure reliability of service. Access is restricted tightly and monitored using both logical controls and management processes.

Logical Controls

Role-based access controls (RBAC) ensure only a small group of MongoDB reliability engineers can access systems. In addition, access requires multi-factor authentication (MFA) through a secure bastion host with actions logged.

Management Processes

Access is granted by senior management only during service reliability issues. Access logs, as well as permissions and entitlements, are regularly audited.